| Standard Header | Y | MsgType = F |
1 | Account | Y | Account (code) for which the cancel request is submitted. |
11 | ClOrdID | Y | (Client-Side) identifier for this cancel request. Must be unique. Maximum number of characters: 20. |
41 | OrigClOrdID | Y | (Client-Side) ClOrdID of the target working order. (NOT the initial order of the chain). Maximum number of characters: 20. |
37 | OrderId | Y | Unique identifier (as assigned by T4 servers) of the target working order. OrderId uniqueness is guaranteed across all trading sessions regardless of order origin. |
48 | SecurityID | Y | Security identifier. This is the T4 Market ID. |
55 | Symbol | Y | Symbol. This is the T4 Contract ID. |
207 | SecurityExchange | Y | Exchange at which the security trades. This is the T4 Exchange ID. |
167 | SecurityType | N | Instrument type. Futures="FUT", Options="OPT", Stock="STK", Synthetic="SYN", Binary Option="BIN" |
54 | Side | Y | Side of the market. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = None (used for Flatten orders) |
| | | 1 = Buy |
| | | 2 = Sell |
38 | OrderQty | N | The number of contracts to be canceled. For partially filled orders, this value reflects the working order's original Quantity (OrderQty) and not its remaining (unfilled) quantity. |
60 | TransactTime | Y | Time this cancel request was requested for. Specified in UTC form. |
109 | CliendID | N | Firm identification for third-party transactions |
107 | SecurityDesc | N | Description of the specified Security ID (Tag 48) |
1028 | ManualOrderIndicator | N | Indicates if the order was sent Manually (i.e. order action is immediate from a human). Valid values are: |
| | | Y = Order was entered Manually |
| | | N = Order was entered by an Automated System, Program or Algorithm |
| Standard Trailer | Y |